[C#,WPF] Tạo ứng dụng chạy với quyền quản trị


Th10 9, 2020 #c# application manifest run as administrator, #c# code to run cmd as administrator, #c# manifest file run as administrator, #c# process cmd run as administrator, #c# run cmd command from code as administrator, #c# run cmd file as administrator, #c# run powershell command as administrator, #c# run process as administrator without prompt, #c# run process as administrator without uac prompt, #c# system diagnostics process run as administrator, #c# winforms force run as administrator, #cmd start process as administrator c#, #execute powershell script as administrator c#, #force app to run as administrator c#, #force application to run as administrator c#, #force exe to run as administrator c#, #force my program to run as an administrator on Windows 7, #force run as administrator c#, #How do I force my .NET application to run as administrator, #how to make exe run as administrator in c#, #how to run exe file as administrator using c#, #how to run powershell script as administrator using c#, #run as administrator c#, #run as administrator c# code, #run as administrator c# manifest, #run as administrator c# process, #run as administrator c# wpf, #run cmd as administrator c#, #run cmd command as administrator c#, #run cmd.exe as administrator c#, #run command line as administrator c#, #run command prompt as administrator c#, #run exe as administrator c#, #run exe file as administrator c#, #run powershell as administrator c#, #run powershell script as administrator c#, #run powershell script from c# with parameters as administrator, #run process as administrator using c#, #ứng dụng chạy với quyền quản trị c#, #winform run as administrator c#, #winforms run as administrator c#
Chia sẻ

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Giới thiệu

Trong bài viết này, csharpcanban.com sẽ hướng dẫn các bạn cách tạo một ứng dụng chạy với quyền quản trị (Run As Administrator)

Thực hiện

Bước 1: Tạo một New Item mới 

Bước 2: Chọn Application Manifest File

Bước 3: Chọn Project->Properties sẽ hiện lên bảng sau. Tiếp theo chọn Manifest cho ứng dụng 

Bước 4: Mở tệp app.manifest ra và đổi như hình dưới đây

Bước 5: Nhấn F5 để chạy ứng dụng

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