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Create a FileInfo

A FileInfo object is created using the default constructor that takes a string as a file name with a full path.

string fileName = @"C:fileName.txt";
FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(fileName);

Here is a complete sample with FileInfo class

// Full file name
string fileName = @"C:fileName.txt";
FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(fileName);
// Create a new file
using (FileStream fs = fi.Create())
	Byte[] txt = new UTF8Encoding(true).GetBytes("New file.");
	fs.Write(txt, 0, txt.Length);
	Byte[] author = new UTF8Encoding(true).GetBytes("Author CsharpCanBan.Com");
	fs.Write(author, 0, author.Length);
// Get File Name
string justFileName = fi.Name;
Console.WriteLine("File Name: {0}", justFileName);

// Get file name with full path
string fullFileName = fi.FullName;
Console.WriteLine("File Name: {0}", fullFileName);

// Get file extension
string extn = fi.Extension;
Console.WriteLine("File Extension: {0}", extn);

// Get directory name
string directoryName = fi.DirectoryName;
Console.WriteLine("Directory Name: {0}", directoryName);

// File Exists ?
bool exists = fi.Exists;
Console.WriteLine("File Exists: {0}", exists);
if (fi.Exists)
	// Get file size
	long size = fi.Length;
	Console.WriteLine("File Size in Bytes: {0}", size);
	// File ReadOnly ?
	bool IsReadOnly = fi.IsReadOnly;
	Console.WriteLine("Is ReadOnly: {0}", IsReadOnly);
	// Creation, last access, and last write time
	DateTime creationTime = fi.CreationTime;
	Console.WriteLine("Creation time: {0}", creationTime);
	DateTime accessTime = fi.LastAccessTime;
	Console.WriteLine("Last access time: {0}", accessTime);
	DateTime updatedTime = fi.LastWriteTime;
	Console.WriteLine("Last write time: {0}", updatedTime);


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